Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry day-after Christmas!

Ho Ho ho!
So nothing as exiting as my lappy I bought myself last year. but I'm happy that i gave so much to my family, things that they LOVED, with a minimum paycheck and (still) not many work hours. [surprising I know? You'd assume with the season that they'd give me more hours, but alas, not. >=/

so besides being out any money for gas, I received movies (perfume a story of murder! and elizabeth!) and The first Sandman graphic novel by Neil Gaiman (so excited!!) many many earrings, some flannel sheets, these butt hugger yoga pants that I'm in love with and refuse to take off. Yay! and a $50 bill that hadn't ever been circulated, which my dad was way more geeked about then he should have been. Overall, a good year!

after eating early and suffering through many-a drunken photos with my mother, i took a big slice of delish cheesecake over to jacques house, where were proceeded to play left for dead? oh my goodness that game sucks you in! but its sooooo frightening! I'm a gamer noob. mostly loving mario. but I swear I dreamt about zombie attacks and that stupid gun flashing and firing and those stupid tongue ones thats grab you and pull you in! and the clawing witches! OMG!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It's almost almost Christmas And you might, maybe you could...

It feels rather unbelievably cold here now. Typing is difficult and I feel like a turtle trying to keep my nose warm. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Recently I'm obsessed with:

Chris Garneau (singer/artist)
I first heard of him through dante, then I saw him as a featured song during a dance for your life on So You Think You Can Dance, and I realized I had a song of his on my itunes even before I knew how much I loved him. He's sort of a piano-folk with a sort of baroque-carnival melody. Pure and lovely his voice kind of makes me want to breathe slowly and deeply. Tilt your ear and listen to Baby's Romance, Black and Blue and Dirty Night Clowns.

My grandmother glasses.
So what if they make me look a little goofy, the low magnification and HUGE-ness of them make me feel better. Their frames are clear and a sort of pinkish, and I like how they frame my face. Random I know, but for a dollar at goodwill for a little confidence boost, why not?

Not necessarily sweater-dresses.

Monday, December 7, 2009

What keeps mankind alive?

Here I am, trying EXTRA hard to be ready for finals, but its beginning to seem like I have two weeks of finals, this week, where I have a billion presentations and papers due, and next week where I have major tests! Hoo ha being a college student. High schoolers have no idea.

It's the holidays! Smile! Well, my tree is still naked of ornaments, and I literally have no money for gifts, like I'm working one day a week and can't even afford gas... speaking of my car... I slid off the road the other day RIGHT next to my house. utterly depressing. avoided the big trees, took off my passenger side mirror, and dented up all down the side (chuck is now a wavy little bugger) and almost screwed up all underneath (can't be sure though, I haven't taken it in to get looked at yet) I mean I am scarping by here!!! A cute boy in a big truck saved me though. He popped out and said "Hey, I'm Joel, I'm here to save you." and I kinda melted. XD

On another note, I'm thinking of becoming and existentialist. I'm reading some Nietzsche, and expanding my mind. I mean, look at the mustache?! Watch out world.