Sunday, December 28, 2008

I found an old poem of mine....

lost universally amongst populations
a single grain of sand in waves upon shorelines
Icy time building and liquifying the masses
souls lost at sea
a discarded underlining thought rises to the surface
putrefying the chaotic monstrous city streets
clinging to survival like chewing gum to a shoe
all awhile the menacingly mechanical walls loom above
what breath can be safe from the shadowy grays and blacks?
what story can be heard above the echoing crashes of infinite waves on a beach?
to be bold is a state of mind, the cowards share the glory. 

Thursday, December 25, 2008

HO HO HO! (What did you just call me?)

Happy Christmas to all today, but am I allowed to say I love the New Year more then this jolly holiday?

I was reading some of my older posts, and realized they used to be interesting, and lately I've been abusing this page as a weeping ranting vent for empty space sympathy. My apologies dear anyone, I hope to further bring you the quirky sides back out for air.

Am I allowed to adore my gifts? Believing I wasn't receiving anything, I didn't expect a new portfolio, and an easel. I read a description I wrote of myself which said I've never found my niche. Lately, I believe differently. Today I believe differently. Tomorrow I may think different again, but for now my thoughts rest with my creative fingers and blurred vision. My moneyless but smiling future rests with this portfolio, a good playlist, a cup of coffee, and a hope. 

Optimism can't fail me now.

Friday, December 19, 2008


So world, its FINALLY holiday break. A full two weeks of sleeping, working, and relaxing with friends. With a Pasta/Mustache Party, a Sledding party, Christmas, after-parties, before-parties.... it seems so busy. And then the same day high school starts, I start my College classes. 

I don't know about you world, but my relaxation may be intervened with some worry.  

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Trivialities of the Holidays.

I really dislike, perhaps hate, when something amazing comes in your life, and sucks every minuet of your time (with the exception of sleep and the times you are away from it's gloriousness) and prevents you from accomplishing anything? 

I haven't really finished the King Lear reduction. Maybe I'll stay up late and finish it, But Tuesday A Thousand Acres reduction is due. Because I was sick Thursday (the day it was due) and Friday, I can have a slight excuse till tomorrow, which means stay up late and hope for no "why-didn't-you-email-it-to-me-yak-yak-yak!!!" 

I want to say it's because of this Laptop. I want to say it's because of the holiday season. but I'm not entirely sure what every thing's about. Shelly-Barnes (as much as she scares me into doing things) class seems so trivial compared to life. I'm not even taking the AP exam at the end of the year. Perhaps I'll not take the class third trimester..... but then wouldn't I be lacking in a third of an english credit? It would be nice to just worry about my college classes.....

Eep. Holidays are Trivial.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

New expensive laptop.

And I'm way excited about it and entirely broke with it, but that's besides the point. It's a great day. I'm currently uploading all my music, and setting home pages and what not. I promise to  write more? It's almost new years....
Hope everything is swell in the land of internets.