Thursday, December 25, 2008

HO HO HO! (What did you just call me?)

Happy Christmas to all today, but am I allowed to say I love the New Year more then this jolly holiday?

I was reading some of my older posts, and realized they used to be interesting, and lately I've been abusing this page as a weeping ranting vent for empty space sympathy. My apologies dear anyone, I hope to further bring you the quirky sides back out for air.

Am I allowed to adore my gifts? Believing I wasn't receiving anything, I didn't expect a new portfolio, and an easel. I read a description I wrote of myself which said I've never found my niche. Lately, I believe differently. Today I believe differently. Tomorrow I may think different again, but for now my thoughts rest with my creative fingers and blurred vision. My moneyless but smiling future rests with this portfolio, a good playlist, a cup of coffee, and a hope. 

Optimism can't fail me now.

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