Tuesday, March 30, 2010

There is no way I'm kissing a frog and eating a bug in the same day.

Mmm exhaustion. But I have to much to do this week to be tired! HUZZAH!

I need to catch up in my abnormal psych class. Im currently wayyyyyyyyyy in the hole there and if I didn't make that deal with my instructor so I can turn things in late, I've already lost credit. You know when you start to get in the whole, but feel like you can't ever get out, (and you sort of half try, but it never works) so you don't really try anymore? yep. I'm an idiot. before I was entirely stressed because many of my good friends were stressed. Jacque's grandma died (whom she lived with, and was very close to, and she's never experienced death before) and obviously that was traumatic, but then she was making these huge decisions- Like quitting school, and having sex and moving away. T.T Ok, I know, maybe no so traumatic for the average 18-19-20 somethings, but IN ABNORMAL PSYCH CLASS the second highest stressor on this crazy list is when you're best friend is going through depression, or trauma. GAH- I'm just worried- and I trust her I think most of all my friends. She taking some therapy now, and she's getting better, and I just love her a lot. <3>

So to do list for spring break week (Yes, I am on spring break this week):

Ab. psych Homework - I need to pass! its a required credit!

Taxes - ruh roh... need to get on that...

Painting Jenn's table - her birthdays in april, and it was a present from last year I never finished. We don't talk very much anymore, but I miss her. =/

Other homework - Including a paper and speech for public speaking, life drawing (hands, feet, and faces), and a powerpoint on death for developmental psych.

OY VIE! That means getting off lappy and actually getting stuff done... meh.

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