Wednesday, August 27, 2008
A Great Thing.
My Uncle Howie, dear lord has been alone for a long time. If it give you a sense, my mother just turned 50, and he's her older brother. But he's not one of those creepy loner folk. He Has his own, great, business, two adorable golden retrievers (and has never lived without dogs), loves the outdoors (hes always camping and kayaking and all that), slightly bald but not bad looking, very giving, and he can cook as good as my mother (which is damn good by the way!). He's had girlfriends, but he's always loved this one woman, Joann.
Years and years ago, back when my grandparents were alive, he proposed to her. she declined, and married another man less then a year later. It was really sad. Not only holidays, but many random occasions and days he would be over at my house, for dinner and wine and conversation.
Well, yesterday, he proposed to her again (between then and yesterday, she has a kid my age and has been married twice). the romantic part is my Uncle kept the same ring as before and she said YES.
It made me happy. My lonely Uncle has his true love (again). And it's a great thing.
Julia Nunes.
And she's Inspired be to make a video blog? That won't happen for a long while...

In my dream my two front teeth were knocked out because I was wiggling them, you know, like you did as a child when you had a loose tooth. I remember trying very hard not to smile, and I remember it was very embarrassing trying to order food. and my parents laughed at me, and I had my senior pictures in less then a week, and everything was awful.

I think I remember making the best of it, but I had a dream tangent when I thought of Asian girls and how they always cover they're mouth then they giggle. (please ignore my brain stereotype) and it was because they had missing teeth to! so I think by the end of my dream, I was Asian. actually I looked a lot like the picture I drew...
WOAH. I was that picture I drew! I remember the scarf to hide my teeth... So much for Laura's Hickey Theory. That's strange how that works like that. XD
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Saturday, August 23, 2008
"The best thing one can do when it's raining, is to let it rain.”
Friday, August 22, 2008
No one's the killer & No one's the martyr.
I don't think my tummy it up for the repetition of them.
The scary Dogman thing? Yea. That's an event, not a person.
4-Corner Jars.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
ADD fashon.

About the bugs and alphabet.

Sunday, August 17, 2008
Lurvey Durvey.

Dear lord wiki, How to Love. (and my responses)
-Say it. When you say the words "I Love You," do they carry it with them the desire to show someone you love them or do they carry it with them is it what you want to feel? And when you say it make sure you really mean it and are willing to do anything for that special person. (Very true. When you say it without conviction it's a heartbreaker, or and awkward maker.)
-Empathize. Put yourself in someone else's shoes. Rather than impose your own expectations or attempt to control them, try to understand how they feel, where they come from, and who they are; and realize how they could also love you back just as well. (Psh, scare them away with excitement and prying clinging thoughts. yay pessimisim.)
-Love unconditionally. If you cannot love another person without attaching stipulations, then it is not love at all, but deep-seated opportunism (one who makes the most of an advantage, often unmindful of others). If your interest is not in the other person as such, but rather in how that person can enhance your experience of life, then it is not unconditional. If you have no intention of improving that person’s life, or allowing that person to be themselves and accepting them as they are, and not who you want them to be, then you are not striving to love them unconditionally. (That's a given in most cases of my case.)
-Expect nothing in return. That doesn't mean you should allow someone to mistreat or undervalue you. It means that giving love does not guarantee receiving love. Try loving just for loving's sake. Realize that someone may have a different way of showing his or her love for you; do not expect to be loved back in exactly the same way. (I should print this out and tape it somewhere...)
-Realize it can be lost. If you realize that you can lose the one you love, then you have a greater appreciation of what you have. Think how lucky you are to have someone to love. (But that's the sad part...)
Check out the WARNINGS. Oh boy do more people need to read those.
Kill Me Romantically?
Its almost too "too". Nothing too dramatic, but nothing too splendid either. I haven't heard anything about work, school is starting and I'm flat broke, I'm too worried about future relations and situations to take in whats happening now and be happy about whats to come. Am I stuck in one of those weird karma cycles? Are Yin and Yang after me? Am I obliviously balanced in the middle about the slip either way?
I just want SOMETHING to happen. Let's go already. Bring it, please?
My Return.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sunday, August 10, 2008
It' the before that worries me.
The little voice that tells you your an idiot and its not that bad. The one that makes you think of the little kids in Africa and the guilt. See, the before isn't just the before. The before doesn't end at the beginning, its always there. Kind of crawling under your skin or on the side of your brain. The feelings, or lack of feelings come with it. And then its not always there. You can still laugh. Have fun. Its when your alone to think about it, when it triggers memories like concrete and the dead feeling when you hold hands. Its always there creeping and shaking you from the inside out. Some say they did it, it's done, and bury it. Some wring it in their fingers till its raw and bleeding. Some just go with it and make up what they believe and just breathe awhile. People deal with the before in different ways and that also worries me. Its not just you, I'm worried about me.
Daring Bitterness.

Saturday, August 9, 2008
A little insight.

- Well isn't this an awful question. A great majority of the time I view my friends as an extension of family. So wholly my family.
2. What does love mean to you?
- Love, to me, is like air. Whether it was from or for my family, friends, lovers, strangers even, it can't be measured or conducted. It's everything and nothing. Like air, love is not concrete. you can see it when it moves the leaves or blows the water, or when you receive a hug. Literally love is like air. So needed in every sense.

3. Who was the last person you kissed? Do you regret it?
-Colin. And no, I don't regret it in the least bit.
4. Stare at a wall. What's the first thing that pops up into your mind?
-The song I'm listening to is called Around the World by Daft Punk and I was imagining traveling around the world on an epic adventure.
5. What have you been thinking about lately?
-Graduation. Senior year. Moving on it life and not seeing the same faces anymore. Some parts make me upset. Others seem thrilling. All in all I've realized I'm nervous as fuck.
6. Whats been most tempting lately?
- A self attempted lobotomy to just rid myself of all the paranoia and worries and shit that I don't really need.
7. What does your favorite smell remind you of?
- It was I think White Shoulders or Chanel Number 5, my mom wears is, or used to wear it. It reminds me of my younger days, when I would watch my mom get ready for work. All in black and white with red lipstick. it makes me happy.

-I believe fate is a choice. you choose to believe in it, or you choose choices on your own path. Call it a matrix philosophy, but its what I believe.
9. Would you rather be fat, broke, or lonely?
-Well, I'm already 2/3. Honestly, that's a thoughtful question.
10. What impact are you wanting to leave on the world?
- A little, meaningful one.
11. What are the three "nevers" of your life?
-I never meant to let people down.
-I never truly found my niche.
-I never have been entirely happy about myself.
12. Do you think God has a sense of humor?
-Well somebody has a great fucking sense of something.
13. Do you have a song that cheers you up when your blue?
-Motorcycle Drive By : Third Eye Blind.

-I love Peter Pan. Its so whimsical and imaginative, nothing can compare. it makes you believe in everything you've ever wanted.
15. If you could come back for a day after you died, what would you do?
- Its weird to say, but I'd probably haunt people that I remembered from life.
16. What do you believe stands between you and happiness?
-This reminds me of a blog I wrote. Society believes there's always something out there that will make you happier. Something more, something in the way. I couldn't pinpoint a reason.
17. What do you love most about yourself?

- I love how some days I can feel good about myself. Even pretty. and how I can talk to people in my driveway for hours and everyone feels relieved. I love how I can call up Dante whenever, and talk about anything and not feel judged. =)
18. What do you imagine yourself doing ten years from now?
- Honestly? Hmm.... I'll be 27. I want to have a good job. Married soon if not already. Maybe expecting. A nice enough home. A simply happy life. Spontaneous, not picture perfect. Quirky in my own sense of it. =)
19. When do you feel most alive?
- When I've created something that makes me proud and other happy.
Can weather have Karma?
Watch your back Mother N. The wrath of students and a dwindling summer could come back to bite you.
Friday, August 8, 2008
"Paranoia Posts" isn't meant to be my list of worries, fears, nerves and other such calamities.
For now, its just my hidey-house for lifelike activities.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Eccentricity of Quirks.
I also believe I love people because of their quirks. Would you be the same person if you didn't get all nervous over something silly but are happy about it, or you can remember every name of every dungeons and dragons character, but can't remember the characters your forced to remember for class? You wouldn't really. Well, OK so you'd still be you, just a little less interesting.
I love that your interesting.