I'm feeling a bit rushed lately.
There's not much there to keep the momentum from hurling me into a brick wall.(I can't see the brick wall, nor am I positive it exists, but I'm assuming its there...)
I had that dream again. With the garbage jars, the running, and the Dogman. Recurring dreams never make sense, but I wish I could remember he situation when I last had it. I know it means something. It was like camping, but with a bunch of guys. I was training for something and running a lot, almost like a boot camp. This other guy is also there. He's the antagonist with a good head when he wants it. He's always competing and challenging, the macho guy for sure. Sworn enemies with myself. Late at night, there's theses woods with and open space, and I was running around the open space checking jars. The different jars were met to be clues, and I even but hem there and challenged the macho guy for a race like/ lets find all the clues something or other. the woods goes quite when I'm running. somethings coming closer and faster as I run. the trees part ways for the awful thing, Dogman-like but terrifying and vicious. You'd expect the macho guy to let me die, and vise-versa. I watch the thing some closer, snarling and drooling. Everybody in camp is yelling and shouting for me to get inside the random appearing tents, but I know that won't protect me against its jagged claws. The guy is terrified and screaming at the top of his lungs for me to listen. But I can't hear anything. I'm watching the beast come closer like a silent movie film. The glass jars shatter underneath it's steps, the wind picks up, egging the terror on. Even though I've ran before, I know how to run, I can feel adrenaline running, demanding to run, to get away out to the path, but whatever path I choose, its always after me. it's jaws find my ribs just as the guy finds my arms. He pulls me back into the tent, while the beast runs off with my lungs and heart. I start to suffocate because I can't breathe. the guy leaves me on the ground and walks away, kind of bittersweet, and I watch the last remaining jar, filled with dirt, as I wake up. Sheesh.
1 comment:
Umm... um... uh...
The Wolf is totally something in your life that you feel overtaken by, and it's crushing glass jars that, um, represent aspects of your life that are being overtaken by the dogman, and, uh, the tents... are... your... friends...?
But you feel that whether or not you listened to them wouldn't affect the outcome, anyways, so you don't go in them...?
The Rival is the other part of your conscious? [Or someone in your life?] that's been trying to help you, or something, IDK, I'm making this up as I go, but the fact that he doesn't save you in time means that if you don't cooperate with them/yourself then the dogman problem thing could end up hurting your life?
Shit, IDK, I'm horrible at this
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