Sunday, August 17, 2008

Kill Me Romantically?

Do you ever get the feeling things are going too well? Nothing too dramatic has happened, nothing too irritating has happened, apart from a few minor mishaps, your friends are behaving, your oblivious boyfriend is being extra sweet and romantic the best to his ability, its just seems so......surreal.

Its almost too "too". Nothing too dramatic, but nothing too splendid either. I haven't heard anything about work, school is starting and I'm flat broke, I'm too worried about future relations and situations to take in whats happening now and be happy about whats to come. Am I stuck in one of those weird karma cycles? Are Yin and Yang after me? Am I obliviously balanced in the middle about the slip either way?

I just want SOMETHING to happen. Let's go already. Bring it, please?


ParonomAsian said...

Yeah, really, life is boring right now, and it kinda sucks :(


I'm trrrd

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh, be careful what you wish for! But yeah, there really hasn't been any drama since school ended...which feels really, REALLY weird, seeing how the past school year was; however, honestly, I think I could get used to this! Yeah, it is kinda boring now, but we don't want a repitition of last year now, do we? XP ~Laura