- Well isn't this an awful question. A great majority of the time I view my friends as an extension of family. So wholly my family.
2. What does love mean to you?
- Love, to me, is like air. Whether it was from or for my family, friends, lovers, strangers even, it can't be measured or conducted. It's everything and nothing. Like air, love is not concrete. you can see it when it moves the leaves or blows the water, or when you receive a hug. Literally love is like air. So needed in every sense.

3. Who was the last person you kissed? Do you regret it?
-Colin. And no, I don't regret it in the least bit.
4. Stare at a wall. What's the first thing that pops up into your mind?
-The song I'm listening to is called Around the World by Daft Punk and I was imagining traveling around the world on an epic adventure.
5. What have you been thinking about lately?
-Graduation. Senior year. Moving on it life and not seeing the same faces anymore. Some parts make me upset. Others seem thrilling. All in all I've realized I'm nervous as fuck.
6. Whats been most tempting lately?
- A self attempted lobotomy to just rid myself of all the paranoia and worries and shit that I don't really need.
7. What does your favorite smell remind you of?
- It was I think White Shoulders or Chanel Number 5, my mom wears is, or used to wear it. It reminds me of my younger days, when I would watch my mom get ready for work. All in black and white with red lipstick. it makes me happy.

-I believe fate is a choice. you choose to believe in it, or you choose choices on your own path. Call it a matrix philosophy, but its what I believe.
9. Would you rather be fat, broke, or lonely?
-Well, I'm already 2/3. Honestly, that's a thoughtful question.
10. What impact are you wanting to leave on the world?
- A little, meaningful one.
11. What are the three "nevers" of your life?
-I never meant to let people down.
-I never truly found my niche.
-I never have been entirely happy about myself.
12. Do you think God has a sense of humor?
-Well somebody has a great fucking sense of something.
13. Do you have a song that cheers you up when your blue?
-Motorcycle Drive By : Third Eye Blind.

14. What is your favorite fairytale? Why?
-I love Peter Pan. Its so whimsical and imaginative, nothing can compare. it makes you believe in everything you've ever wanted.
15. If you could come back for a day after you died, what would you do?
- Its weird to say, but I'd probably haunt people that I remembered from life.
16. What do you believe stands between you and happiness?
-This reminds me of a blog I wrote. Society believes there's always something out there that will make you happier. Something more, something in the way. I couldn't pinpoint a reason.
17. What do you love most about yourself?
- I love how some days I can feel good about myself. Even pretty. and how I can talk to people in my driveway for hours and everyone feels relieved. I love how I can call up Dante whenever, and talk about anything and not feel judged. =)
18. What do you imagine yourself doing ten years from now?
- Honestly? Hmm.... I'll be 27. I want to have a good job. Married soon if not already. Maybe expecting. A nice enough home. A simply happy life. Spontaneous, not picture perfect. Quirky in my own sense of it. =)
19. When do you feel most alive?
- When I've created something that makes me proud and other happy.
-I love Peter Pan. Its so whimsical and imaginative, nothing can compare. it makes you believe in everything you've ever wanted.
15. If you could come back for a day after you died, what would you do?
- Its weird to say, but I'd probably haunt people that I remembered from life.
16. What do you believe stands between you and happiness?
-This reminds me of a blog I wrote. Society believes there's always something out there that will make you happier. Something more, something in the way. I couldn't pinpoint a reason.
17. What do you love most about yourself?

- I love how some days I can feel good about myself. Even pretty. and how I can talk to people in my driveway for hours and everyone feels relieved. I love how I can call up Dante whenever, and talk about anything and not feel judged. =)
18. What do you imagine yourself doing ten years from now?
- Honestly? Hmm.... I'll be 27. I want to have a good job. Married soon if not already. Maybe expecting. A nice enough home. A simply happy life. Spontaneous, not picture perfect. Quirky in my own sense of it. =)
19. When do you feel most alive?
- When I've created something that makes me proud and other happy.
1 comment:
Gasp! You forgot question #20!
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